Mission Our “WHY”

We offer values-driven families an authentic Catholic education so that they can encounter God’s love and their children have a steady place to discover their God-given purpose.  

Where the love of God is, there is purpose.

Our Core Values

We begin with love. 

People rise to the level of the love that they are given. That’s why, in everything we do, we begin with love. Excellence and achievement are important, as is building virtue, but these are the fruits of a culture where everyone knows they are loved — no matter what. No one cares how much you know unless they know how much you care. That’s why the first job of every person in the building, no matter their title, is to care for the hearts of our students. It’s what God has done for us and what we must do for one another.

We see you. 

We take the time to intentionally learn about each child, parent, teacher, and faculty member, because when we know their story, and they know ours, we find common ground to build on. This means we never correct from a distance; instead, we strive to see from their vantage point and accompany them on their journey. 

We tell the truth.

In a world that’s so full of confusion and chaos, the most caring thing we can do for our families is to tell them the truth — especially the eternal truths of our shared Catholic faith. When we are fully honest about what God desires of us, we create an environment where true growth is possible. We know how important it is to show up with courage and compassion to the tough topics and the hard truths. God’s Word matters, so we don’t let our words and actions fall out of sync with His.

We honor our role.

There is no greater responsibility than the task of raising wholehearted children. When parents entrust their children to us, we honor their trust by embracing every challenge with calmness, clarity, and compassion. Even when a situation arises that could shake us or our students, we act as the protectors and advocates that every parent expects for their child. Our sense of responsibility gives children the safety they need to flourish and reach their God-given potential.

We care for the whole person. 

We’re not just preparing kids for high school; we’re fortifying them for their eternal destiny. In academics, extracurriculars, and everything in between, our hope is to help students discover the truth of God and their identity and calling as His sons and daughters.  We believe that being rooted in our identity impacts and changes everything we do. At St. Patrick’s, every subject, class, club, and conversation is a chance to encounter and express God’s love.